Sunday 13 January 2013

Which foods make you fat?

Every day we see new articles in the media demonising this type of food or drink.  We get conflicting advice about what types of exercises we should be doing.  How is anyone to know what is right and what is wrong?  Is there a right and wrong?  Now obviously everyone has different goals but and we are somewhat different genetically but at the end of the day we cannot beat the first law of thermodynamics.

Energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can be changed.

So how does this relate to fitness & nutrition?  Well it all comes back to energy balance.  If your goal is weight loss then the energy intake must be less than the energy expenditure and the opposite is true for weight gain.  Because of this no single food or drink can be considered fattening as the laws of thermodynamics explain that a calorie surplus is required to gain any weight.  That is, it is the over consumption of calories in total (or under activity) that leads to weight gain not any specific food or drink.  

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